Leah Thompson and Joshua Oman, from the ShutterBrigade, join us today on LearningFromOthers.com. We talk about cinematography, following your dreams to start your own business and about the Hollywood film industry. Please welcome, the ShutterBrigade.

  • 00:00:46 – Introductions
  • 00:05:38 – Childhood stories
  • 00:12:50 – Video store story
  • 00:17:44 – Starting up
  • 00:23:13 – Damon’s takeaway and mindset
  • 00:28:03 – LA scene experience
  • 00:31:05 – Talks about their previous clients
  • 00:36:39 – Advice for young entrepreneurs
  • 00:43:39 – Closing remarks

What did you think of this podcast?

Leah Thompson and Joshua Oman, from the ShutterBrigade, join us today on LearningFromOthers.com. We talk about cinematography, following your dreams to start your own business and about the Hollywood film industry. Please welcome, the ShutterBrigade.


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