Would you turn down a guaranteed 6 figure income in the real estate industry to go start a new toy company when your partners had no experience in toys and you had no background in the toy industry either. Well that’s of our next guest, Ryan Treft, did. President and partner at IFS360, as well as an investor in other ventures like CoalaTree, a clothing line geared towards outdoor adventures, and Peejamas, PEE-Jamas. Kickstarter’s most successful kids’ campaign to date, a startup of pajamas for kids, for potty training kids. And Ryan Treft turned down 6 figures in real estate which been a wise move because a year later, the housing bubble burst but Zoobies, his toy company was doing 7 figures. Welcome Ryan Treft to LearningFromOthers

00:01:50 – How the funny pictures started
00:03:03 – Ryan tells us how he started in Zoobies
00:09:23 – “I think knowledge from experience is the best way to go. You just throw yourself into things.”
00:12:18 – What prompted his exit in Zoobies
00:18:47 – His thoughts in kickstarter and experience
00:26:55 – Using Facebook for ads
00:28:08 – How Peejamas started
00:32:53 – His thoughts on IndieGogo
00:35:56 – Treft on IFS360
00:43:25 – Treft explains First Mile
00:47:15 – Treft on his educational background
00:51:06 – Learning from mistakes
01:07:29 – “What weird food combination do you like?”

Podcast Episode Transcripts:

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Would you turn down a guaranteed 6 figure income in the real estate industry to go start a new toy company when your partners had no experience in toys and you had no background in the toy industry either. Well that’s of our next guest, Ryan Treft, did. President and partner at IFS360, as well as an investor in other ventures like CoalaTree, a clothing line geared towards outdoor adventures, and Peejamas, PEE-Jamas. Kickstarter’s most successful kids’ campaign to date, a startup of pajamas for kids, for potty training kids. And Ryan Treft turned down 6 figures in real estate which been a wise move because a year later, the housing bubble burst but Zoobies, his toy company was doing 7 figures. Welcome Ryan Treft to LearningFromOthers


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