Today’s guest found opportunities in small niches and continued to snowball those gains to go on to build and sell several million dollar companies before the age of 40.

Probably one of the podcasts I’ve laughed the most on, please welcome self-proclaimed, and I tend to agree, “business comedian,” Clay Clark.

Episode highlights:

  • 0:37 – Clay’s Background
  • 3:15 – Clay’s Timeline
  • 9:45 – As a DJ
  • 14:13 – Life-Changing Experience
  • 26:00 – Advice from Expert

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Podcast Episode Transcripts:

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Today’s guest found opportunities in small niches and continued to snowball those gains to go on to build and sell several million dollar companies before the age of 40.

Probably one of the podcasts I’ve laughed the most on, please welcome self-proclaimed, and I tend to agree, “business comedian,” Clay Clark.

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